Thursday, May 18, 2006

Where did all the 'insert word here' go????

Last night, after the kids had settled and I was getting ready to watch the football I decided to make a cup of coffee. All was well untill I looked for a tea-spoon to make said cup-of-coffee. Now, in the draw that normally conains enough tea-spoons for my whole family I could find only one. ONE, check the sink... none, check the drying rack... none. And then this got me thinking (never a good thing, I know).

Now it is a well documented fact that when your back is turned, lone socks will escape from the washing machine or tumble drier and make the long journey accross the ocean to the island of lost socks, leaving you with many mismatching single socks. The lucky ones manage to escape in pairs to lead a life of bliss... never again to be walked over, dragged through the dirt, stuffed in hot, smelly, rank old shoes.

BUT... Where do all the SPOONS go???

One day an intreppid explorer will stumble apon Spoonopia and answer this burning question, but for now we are left to come to our own conclusions.

I pose one last question... Where did all the MEN go? Which reminds me of an age old saying passed down to me many years ago... Men are like toilets... either full of shit or occupied.


Calia77 said...

It's weird. I've lost so many teaspoons in the last year. And now my socks are starting to go as well. As for the men... Well!

I love this:
"The Eater of Socks looked up at the wizards, cautiously. Then its jaw started to work again. ... grnf, grnf... It looked like a very small elephant with a very wide, flared trunk, up which one of the Chair's socks was disappearing."
Hogfather, by Terry Pratchett

M said...

calia77 - Maybe there is a conspiracy that we are starting to uncover :) and I love the diskworld reference...

ChittyChittyBangBang! said...

Spoons gone missing? That is a weird phenomenon! Maybe THE GREAT GOD OF SPOONS summoned them for a gathering... hehehe.
I cannot answer the last question... I may incriminate myself and let down the species!