Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Headless chickens and gaining weight - I never said it would make sense

I am finding more and more often in my line of work that I will have days (nay – weeks/months) at a time when I have soo much work to do that I end up with 10-12 hour days, weekends etc running around like a chicken that has newly lost it’s head. Trying desperately to meet deadlines (that I did not agree to in the first place) promised to clients by bad-tempered project managers. These times are punctuated only by the momentary PULL back into reality by 2 hungry children, and generally followed up by the consumption of vast amounts of alcohol. These ‘periods’ are almost always followed up by weeks when I sit twiddling my thumbs and surfing the wide expanse of the w.w.w. (brining the world all the more closer every day).

At the moment I am going through one of the ‘free-periods’. Oh the joy – oh the rapture. I CAN BREATH AGAIN.

In a moment of madness in December (during one of the CHAOS filled stages of my working life) I decided to quit smoking. And for all the good that it HAS done to my state of health it does have one drawback – and that is the slow but ever persistent increase in weight. In the 4.5 months since I gave up I have managed to put on 10kg. What makes this ever more depressing is that in the two and a half years prior to this life changing decision I lost 22 kg –

It is almost enough to make me start smoking again. Almost.

In an attempt to thwart this increasing waist size I joined a gym. Herein lies my next dilemma - which can be described as such... single mom, full time job, and gyms that do not seem to believe that people that find themselves in this situation will ever make use of them.

I am now off to a work lunch, wine in the middle of the day is always a good idea.

PS: I ever said my ramblings would make sense...


kyknoord said...

Yesssss. First comment is mine! Okay, now that I have that out of my system, it's worth mentioning that taking up blogging will probably put another torpedo in your attempts to get to the gym.

M said...

KN - just another reason to add to my every growing excuse list. BTW... as my first reader, day1 - what do you think so far.