Thursday, May 11, 2006

Dating prospects

A topic I am hoping to get some comment on.

Being single now for 16 months, I have found myself asking the question... Where/How does one safely meeting men????

I also happened to stumble upon this article "10 reasons to date a single mom" and am not sure whether to be over the moon with joy that someone finally recognizes the positive OR completely incensed at the reasons they found. Granted, reasons 1 and 2 are absolutely spot on (at least in my humble opinion) but that still only leaves us with a 20% hit rate. WHERE DID THEY GET THIS DRIVEL. I certainly do not want to be dated for those reasons, and quite honestly find reason 3 "Juggling parenting and a job keeps her busy – too busy to check up on your movements or start baying at the moon if you don't call." an insult to all NON-Mother singles.

Then on the other hand... a very dear friend of mine sent me the following e-mail this morning the names and numbers have been removed to protect the innocent...
I found a flyer on my car which may be of interest to you:

Ch***M***, Personal Matchmaking, you have nothing to lose.
Be young, be old, be poor be rich BUT DON'T BE LONELY
Let us help you find companionship & meaning.
999 9999 where fulfillment matters.

There will probably be money involved but I thought you may be interested!

Well, there it is then.

Let's sum up my options

  1. Clubbing/Pubbing - something that I never enjoyed as a means of meeting people anyway, somehow the prospect of shouting at people of loud music and through a haze of cigarette smoke doesn't appeal
  2. Internet Dating - This is how I met my ex-husband. Now we all know how that ended... don't think I'll be doing that again soon
  3. Dating Services - And however appealing that advert sounds, I don't think so... not that desperate yet
  4. Social gatherings - Single mom, 2 small kids, WHEN AM I SUPPOSED TO HAVE TIME FOR THIS
  5. Work/Office - Now there are a few options, only problem being that most of them are spoken for already, and then there is the whole "mixing work and pleasure" thing and what happens when the whole affair turns sour (no pun intended)

You know what, that dating service doesn't sound that bad.... what was the number again



Michelle said...

Aaahh, the age-old "dating and the single parent" issue. Personally, I've simply given up! :)

M said...

That is rather diheartening actually. I'm am still trying to find the balance between work-time, kid-time and me-time.

kyknoord said...

You know what burns my backside is that they actually paid the writer for that article. Ugh. Journalism today.

M said...

KN - My thoughts exactly. Interested in hearing your thoughts on the subject - being a single man in CT :)

ChittyChittyBangBang! said...

They key is to "safely" meet men. On the internet most of them lie, and unless it is someone you know or know through an acquaintance, it is difficult to make a good call.
Perhaps a dating service is the way to go... at least you can check them out safely.

Anonymous said...

Happy mother's day :)

M said...

CCBB - Don't I know it. Although the whole idea of paying someone to find me a date seems a little 'off'. Otherwise let me know when you are moving back to CT
ewan - ta