Monday, May 15, 2006

What is the world coming to?

Everywhere I look nowadays, I see/hear something else worth ranting over. I would love to write a full entry on each one of these topics but quite frankly do not have time in my day for this and so will try to limit myself to a paragraph on each. Here goes…

Zuma – a real life soap-opera DISLAIMER: These are my own opinions
It seems that everyone is conveniently overlooking his upcoming corruption trial and he is being warmly invited back into the folds of his political party. Even if the accusation of rape was judged to be false I still find it morally reprehensible that a man will have unprotected sex with a woman he knows is HIV positive. Lets not even get into the fact that she is half his age, that he already has 2 wives and at least 10 children (not including any number of ‘love’ children). And if I have to get started now on the damage he has done in the fight against AIDS in this country, as well as the plight of abused and raped woman I will never get finished.

UK - Mother at 11
I am sure that I am not the only person who finds this absolutely appalling, but what I am even more enraged by is that the article is more concerned about the fact that the UK is setting a new record, and is doing everything short of congratulating the girl. WHERE ARE THE PARENTS in this story?? And why is someone not asking the more important question of why an 11 year old is allowed to go out partying, get drunk and have unprotected sex in the first place.

Someone get Schalk off the radio PLEEEZZ.
If I have to hear those over-scripted, badly executed, sad excuse for an insurance ad once more I will scream. Schalk… those radio adverts of yours could not be more damaging to the image of the game of rugby. All it manages to do is confirm the opinion of many that rugby players do not require any brain cells, or that if they had any they were scrummed out of them years ago. Did no one actually listen to them before they went on air.

100m in 9.76sec (a.k.a. 36.8 km/h)
WOW – that is faster than some cars I have seen on the highways lately and mighty impressive for a human being. “snaps” to Justin Gatlin

And finally… will someone give me a local rugby team worth supporting… Stormers AAII TOG

1 comment:

Katt said...

Some good things to rant about! Some advise, change your rugger team. :-)