Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Pic of the Week

This is definitley one of my favorite pictures of my daughter. It was taken on top of Table Mountain, could it be as long as two years ago. She really has grown up quickly.
And this little man is my son, attempting to help with the gardening at ouma and oupa's holiday house. This is also about a year old and he has changed soooo much in that last year. He is still my little blonde haired angel, and always will be. Posted by Picasa


Katt said...

M, you have beautiful children.

kyknoord said...

Looks like you're never too young to start practising your spadework.

M said...

katt Thanks
kyk they need to earn their dinner :)

AngelConradie said...

aaaaaw- too cute!

ChittyChittyBangBang! said...

You have lots to be proud about. :)

M said...

angel & CCBB Thanks.

TheTart said...

Great photos!
They are too cute.

The Tart
; )

Framesby 86 said...

Ag sies tog Mammie - they are just so gorgeous. They tend to grow up way too quickly.

M said...

tart Thanks
buddess FAR TOO quickly