Monday, November 06, 2006

Soul mate: Fact or Fiction?

My mind very seldom slows down (although many would dispute that), and over supper I found myself contemplating the existence of soul mates. This while gnawing down on chicken drumsticks. While eating with my hands my thoughts jumped to a particular friend who refuses to eat with his hands - even burgers and pizza's get the knife and fork treatment. This is someone who I actually have a fair deal in common with, but enough differences to keep me intrigued at the same time.

Then from here my mind made the giant leap to the concept of soul mates (of course). What makes a person a soul mate, is it the things you have in common or the things that are different, or maybe it is a combination of the two? Do soul mates even exist at all or is it all just a figment of our fairy-tail-stimulated-imaginations?

What do you think???? Have you found your soul mate? and if so, HOW do you KNOW that they are the one??? Is there only one perfect person out there for each of us (if any)???

I am by nature a romantic, so I do (or at least used to) believe in the existence of this mythical match, but my experiences over the last 29 years (okay well at least the last 10) makes me doubt this belief slightly. Then I think back to my grandparents who made it to their 52n'd wedding anniversary. Now no-one other than them will ever know if they truly did attain this magical match, but hope they did, and then I have a glimmer of hope that I might find MY match one day...


the not so "new" mom on the blog said...

Hi, I have been trying to leave you a comment since the weekend!!!! You will find your soulmate out there - I do believe in Soulmates!

Anonymous said...

Every shoe has a solemate.

M said...

And there is life out there... hey guys... blogger has been more than a little temperamental the last few days. I have seriously considered joining the migration over to wordpress.

Anonymous said...

M you know how I feel about soulmates..I have my own, one I have had for many years. The thing about soulmates is growing with them. You WILL find yours once you figure out who you really are and where you want to go! Hugs, Lady B

AngelConradie said...

aaah, to be a romantic...
i myself am a very unashamed and realistic skeptic and i don't believe in soulmates at all. i honestly don't believe its possible to spend one's entire life with the same person. people change and grow ALL the time!
and of course i honestly don't see why its not considered possible or normal to stay single in modern society- especially for women.
if it "happens", as my mommy darling likes to pray and hope for, and i actually find myself falling in love with someone and can see myself spending the rest of my life with that person- i won't fight it (not too hard at least... heh heh)...

p.s. can't believe its been so long since i was here last!!! sharp smack on the wrist duly administered!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, there is no such thing as a soulmate (except for shoes) or a perfect match. If you go and scratch under the surface of any perfect relationship you will find a lot of compromise... or a can of worms.

M said...

okay, well so far we have 2 for yes soulmates exist and 3 for what-the-hell-are-you-smoking only shoes have a soul

Not very promissing... but I may note here that the 2 that do believe in soulmates have infact found theirs (and Katt, that doesn't mean that there wasn't a fair amount of compromise in those relationships)... and the 3 that don't, well.... we all know those histories.

Any more takers on this subject???

LadyB and NMOTB may I ask you to elaborate a little... how do you know that they are your souldmate? what is it about that person? is it what you have in common or what is different???

Michelle said...

Perhaps we have multiple soul-mates? If we don't marry (and eternally stick with, along with growing and compromising to continue to stick together) the one we find early in life, perhaps we can find a different soulmate for different stages of our lives. Someone who matches the Us we are at that time. Or I could be talking total bull... :-)

Anonymous said...

LadyB here again. Okay, I know I have found my soulmate because...
We have survived some of the worst things one can throw at a marriage and come out better for it.
We compliment each other, we can talk about anything. We know when to be a spouse and when just to be a friend. We know when to be a wife/husband and when to be dating. We know when to keep quiet and when to speak up. We make each other complete! I did not compromise when I met him..I became whole. And that is not just me being a chick..he will say exactly the same. I am 35 and we have been married for 15 years this month!

Anonymous said...

I think some of you confuse being happily married with the idea of a soulmate - i.e. there is one person for everyone. I don;t believe that at all, I think you meet more than one person with whom you could be happy. The key, I believe - as so many have commented - is to grow together. Having said that - I FIRMLY believe it is of vital importance to keep your own identity. You must always know that you COULD survive and be happy on your own. I don't think a happy marraige means that you never fight or are always happy and everything is just plain sailing - I think Lady B actually summed it up beautifully - good for you & hubby!!!! But I do not believe in soulmates - even though I am very happily married and my husband and I still flirt, joke, have fun, discuss serious issues, etc. That's the long answer. Short answer: No.

Anonymous said...

Hi M
I am very happily married for years , and I KNOW that I have not married my soulmate. (and I am pretty sure my soulmate would agree with me if you asked her) We are both grown up enough to know that although we might be cosmically the best thing ever - we would be tragically unsuited to travel this journey together. She married some years after me. I still see her - for coffee once a year or so. We have never had a sexual or even a remotely physical relationship - and probably never will. So - Do I believe in soulmates , definately , do I beleive that everyone has one - YES. Do I think that we are destined to be together - No - not unless you are just lucky enough to have your life cycles coincide perfectly - and the odds on that are millions to one. Accept that you may have a soulmate - but it's not neccesarily a life-partner. All best. KD

The Author said...

Ooh, and the debate rages on. I believe you've opened a can of proverbial worms here M.

"It's a photo finish folks, sceptics over romantics by a whisker!"

If you ask me, I'll have to err on the side of the sceptic, but that does not make me disbelieve in love or romance. It's all hard work at the end of the day.

Anonymous said...

I firmly believe in everyone's got one. But it does not necessarily mean you will spend the rest of your life together in a romantic relationship. Mine's married and I am so happy for him, but he's my souls personification,

He's my tequila


M said...

WOW - Thanks all for actaully taking an interest in my random ramblings. I am staying on the romantic side of this line, but I also agree on the general idea that it has ALOT to do with timing and growing together.