Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sleep overs and BIG school

Both my angels are growing up so quickly. On one had it is great to see the lovely young people they are turning in to (I seem to have done something right) but at the same time I want to freeze time and keep them they way they are now.

The big girl is going for her first sleep over at a friends house on Friday. I thought long and hard before deciding that she could go... the age old question of is she old enough? She is only 8 and I have to realise that I cannot hold on to her forever. Believe me I wouldn't let her go to just any old sleepover but this is with one of her best friends and I know the parents and it is just her going (i.e. not a house full of raucous girls). She has spent nights away from home before but that has always been with grandparents or her father, this is the first time away from family. I know she will be fine but can't help feeling like the 'good' years are gone... the years where mommy is everything... the centre of her life. She is also getting to the point where giving mommy a kiss goodbye in the morning at the school drop off is no longer acceptable - you never know who may be watching.

As for the angel boy... we are now going through the big school applications. Next year it is grade R for him and preparations for the next 12 school years of his life. Here the dilemma is... do I send him to the same co-ed school as his big sister or do I send him to the VERY good local boys only school (where his father is an "old-boy")??? Personally I prefer the co-ed junior school option when they are still young and developing their social skills. High school is a different matter though and I have no strong opinions either way. I know he would do well in either environment... decisions, decisions.


Anonymous said...

I would go for a co-ed primary school. I had lots of fun in mine.

AngelConradie said...

choosing schools... i thought i was doing fine since i only had damien- but i had to keep looking for a school where he could do well! we're on our second high school (we did two primary schools) and he's much happier- but i do wish it'd been easier.