Friday, October 06, 2006

Unexplained fevers and sleep deprivation

Today I am exausted... my mind is no longer functioning correctly... and any form of coherant speach is not to be expected.

I have had (almost) no sleep in 3 days now. Why? because at this moment I have 2 sick children with absolutely NO explination of what is wrong.

It all started on Wednesday with my son (3yrs) complaining about not feeling well. Seeing as he is only in creche and won't miss anything by staying away, I left him at home with the nanny for the day. By the time I got back from work he had a raging fever - so off I dash to take him to the doctor. Full checkup and NOTHING... no ear infection, no throwt or lung infection, stomach is fine and no visual signs of meningitis (phew)... just a fever and a headache. And that is how it has continued since with him. Okay during the day, but at night a soaring temp and fever-shivers. The only course of action I can take is trying to cool him down and keep him dosed up on Ponstan and Panado.

But, wouldn't you know it... as soon as he is showing signs of getting better, my daughter (7yrs) comes down with what seems to be the same thing. Again, off to the doctor to do a check up and set my mind to rest that there isn't something more sinister going on, and again the same outcome. NOTHING.

While there the GP indicated that they had seen a number of similar cases over the last few days... unexplained fevers and headaches. The only idea being that it is some kind of flu virus doing the rounds in children and adults (which does not bode well for me...)

What all this has done to my sleep patterns is throw them into complete disaray... have you ever tried sharing a bed with two sick, feverish, restless children who insist on cuddling with mommy when they are not feeling well... in the infamous words of Faithless - "I can't get NO SLEEP"


Anonymous said...

Oi, M! Being a Mommy is difficult. I really hope this bug buggers off. Hugs to the cherubs.

AngelConradie said...

i'm so sorry m... its rough doctoring kids, i hope they feel better real soon.

M said...

Thanks guys... angelboy seems to have settled down now (4 days later) but angelgirl's temp is still spiking every 6 hours.

Hopefully by the end of the weekend it will all be over and I can go back to work to recover.

Michelle said...

Sick kids is the absolute worst bit of single parenting. Oh, hold on - no, the worst bit is when YOU'RE sick and you still have to get up and cook and clean and be a mom!

My sympathies, get better soon kids, and hope you get some sleep without resorting to "tearing off tights with your teeth" (love that tchune! :) ).

The Author said...

Yikes, hope the kids (and you!) pull through. Good luck.

Ronald said...

Hey there,,i am from South America and i hav no kids,,but niece and nephews,,and they had simalar symptoms as your Kids at some time growing up and it was Typhoide Fever or Dengue,,Please kindly ask Dr if its possible for a test,,Wish you lots of Sleep and hope the Kids are better now..Regards..Ron