Monday, July 24, 2006

Wacky Weekend (in no particular order)

My Saturday evening was spent at Hanover Street at Grand West to see Scarlet Box, Evolver and Prime Circle live… WOW, Amazing, Incredible. I have been a Prime Circle fan for a while now, having first seen them perform when they were the opening act for Live, then again at the Coca-Cola Collab Massive Mix (a.k.a. METALLICA) concert in Cape Town. They are definitely one of S.A.’s foremost Rock bands. They never fail to entertain the crowds, and Saturday was no exception. It was also the first time that I have had the opportunity to see Evolver perform live and boy was it worth it. Their re-make of ‘play that funky music WHIITEE BOOOYYYY’ was awesome. Most people will recognize their hit ‘Let’s get naked’ if they hear it. I will definitely be looking out to see when they are performing in Cape Town again. All in all an INCREDIBLE evening.

This was without a doubt the highlight of my weekend, and seeing as the kids were with dad it didn’t matter that I crawled into bed at 2AM because I could sleep as late as I wanted anyway, which turned out to be 10:30AM. I then had to get up and try to get myself into a reasonable state before fetching the kids and heading off to a friends braai… the invite said ‘come rain, or snow’ we will be braai-ing… and would you know it, we had both. Well snow on the out-of-town mountains, but being true South Africa Manna they stood in the rain and continued with (what Katt has now coined) the meat-tanning session.

Here follow the 2 low points of my weekend…

No.1 – an ever more jealous ex-husband. Yes I said ex, why he thinks he has any right to be jealous is beyond me. And I am not even seeing anyone yet. I don’t know what has got into this man (and I use that term very loosely) lately. I am obviously sending out signals that I am (and have) moved on because he is using every available opportunity to question me about my whereabouts. What gives him the right to ask me questions about where I am going and whom I am going with? And to top it all off, he actually has the audacity to phone me on Saturday morning to check if I am alone, and not even subtly, he blatantly came out and asked me (WHAT THE F&*K). It is truly beyond me.

No. 2 – an impending wardrobe malfunction… well maybe not wardrobe. A couple of years ago I lost 20kg’s (it was needed after giving birth to my second child) and in the process I weeded out all the old clothes that I vowed I would never need again. In the meantime I also decided to give up smoking and have subsequently put at least half of that weight back on. I am now stuck with a wardrobe FULL of clothes that don’t fit me… AARRRGGGGG. I am determined not to go out and buy a whole new set of clothes as I WILL loose this weight (I will, I will, I will, I will). What I have decided is to give me the motivation I would report back here once a week on the progress…. That way I will have you lot on my case if it goes in the wrong direction (that is of course assuming that any of you actually give a shit about this – but at least I will have it on my conscience that it is out there in the land of the public blog for any and all to view). So on the right of the page (below my weekly glittery/blinky thing) will be a record of my progress. It will be set to 0kg’s and 0cm’s today and each Monday morning I will increment it by the amount of weight or centimeters lost in the last week (i.e. positive number means x kg’s lost) Let’s hope this works, if next week you see that it has disappeared completely you will know that it has all gone pear-shaped (literally)


AngelConradie said...

i'm so jealous of your live music night out! lekker!
as for the ex problem... can't help you there... but i can so empathise & sympathise with the cupboard full of clothes thing, i boldly announced i was going on a diet and would be posting updates- all went well for a month and then it was all downhill & i haven't mentioned it again!

Katt said...

Love Prime Circle myself. SA music is really coming into its own, isn't it? The ex... guy still sees you as his possession. Good luck on the diet. I had the same problem but I folded, I just started smoking again. Figure I am either going to die of obesity or lung cancer. Looking forward to the a la Bridget Jones progress.

Framesby 86 said...

I am so glad you had such a wonderful weekend. Be careful with the ex situation. Don't allow it to get out of hand. He is not part of your life but still part of your kid's lives and he has to understand that that is where your relationship ends. As for the clothes, I think it is a brilliant idea to put it on paper! I think I need to get some updated measurements of my own. What is it with the smoking thing?? I gave up more that 2 years ago but lately have the most insane cravings. Don't know if I can resist any longer...

SwissTwist said...

oohhh.. I miss live music (that I understand and enjoy) and I love Prime Circle too, a buddy in SA sent me their latest CD for xmas last year. I remember Summer time in JHB going to Tempos and watching Mean Mr Mustard getting us hotter and sweatier and having a blast after a day on the dam! sigh.. I do miss those days.

As for Mr Ex, I had a similar situation with mine; what I did was I told him I wasn't alone, even if I was and that 'oops, can't talk to you now. Will fill you in on the great sex later' As soon as he got jealous enough and started whoring around he felt much better, haha!

Good luck with the weight loss, you've given me an idea to get motivated, I have 20+ kgs to lose myself!


M said...

Glad to see I am not alone in these saga's.
Thanks all, very touched that anyone actually cares. Let's hope this gives the motivation I need.