Thursday, July 27, 2006

Step 1: Admit you have a problem

OKAY, OKAY, I give… My name is M and I am a CHOCOHOLIC. I will openly admit that I am addicted to chocolate, in the true sense of the work “addict”. Smooth, creamy, milk chocolate to dark bitter-sweet Albany to chocolate on bread, in milk, with a little chili over fillet…Ohhhhhhhh.

Yesterday was the first day since… I don’t know when… I made it through the day without any chocolate, and this is no small feat. Normally, if I manage to keep myself away from the spaza shop downstairs in the building for an afternoon chocolate run (which on average includes 2 or 3 choc’s), I find myself in the throws of cravings in the evening at home, and heaven forbid there actually isn’t any in the house (which is unlikely as I would have eaten it already) then I start to raid the cupboards. Milo, Nesquick, chocolate spread… anything that will give me that satisfaction. This might also be a key factor to the constant weight gain.

Why is it that the things that are the worst for you, taste the best?

BUT Last night I managed, with much willpower, to beat those cravings into submission and stayed away. This is truly a momentous occasion for me, a turning point, the first step on the road to recovery :) I just had a revelation… all I did was swap my addiction to cigarettes… with chocolate. I guess there are worse things to be addicted to.


P said...

"Why is it that the things that are the worst for you, taste the best?"

You know what they say, best things in life are either immoral, illegal or fattening! (sigh!)
I just went on a diet and i dream chocolate....:-)

Katt said...

I also vacillate between chocolates and cigarettes. And caffeine and, and, and, and. Addictive personalities are so much fun!

Ginco said...

Everyone goes crazy for Lindt
here in Switz. But it's deadly
fattening. I still miss the good
ol' Cadbury's from SA, can,t walk past it when we're in Germany.
Have you ever tried those chewy
jelly beans, it works wonders
when you crave a choccie,AND ideal
when on a diet. Best o luck. I
sign my name - sweet tooth! LOL!

ANNIE said...

My ass could never handle an addiction to chocolate so I smoke a lot and mainline coffee (sexy, huh?). - Not to mention that anything I eat ends up on my shirt...

By the way - those pics of your little girl are GORGEOUS!

AngelConradie said...

i switched nicotine for caffeine a coupla years ago... and i like it strong! heaven help ANYONE who comes between me and my coffee cup!

AngelConradie said...

as for tasting better when its bad for you... i think its a sales gimmick! the more expensive brands taste better and cost more because... there's more fat and surgar in them! at least- thats what my dietician says...

M said...

perspective inc. immoral, illegal or fattening... story of my life
Katt did I forget to mention my fondness of caffeine... but giving up two addictions at the same time is pushing it
ginco that did absolutely no help... oh for some Lindt
robert I am beating the choccie monster... I AM beating the choccie monster
annie Welcome to my end of the web. Thanks...
angel as above... caffeine is a prominent feature already. And that sales gimmick definitely works...
robert2 I don't know anyone who can eat lobster without making a mess... There is an unspoken rule that lobsters, ribs, sosaties and pizza are meant to be eaten messily