Tuesday, September 19, 2006

All is quiet on the Western Front

I know I know... blog of the week and then NOTHING, and to those of you concerned enough to e-mail me inquiring about my wellbeing... thanks.

Work has been keeping me rather occupied lately, that and a complete lack of anything interesting happening in my life (well almost) has meant that the interest level of anything that I may write about would be low enough to put even the most hyperactive 2 year old into a comma. Hence the quiet.

So this is just a quick note to blogland to say that I am still alive and kicking and to update on a few happenings.

Update 1: Car
My new baby is still driving like a dream. There was a minor problem with the central locking, but that was very quickly sorted out. My sound system has been getting WELL used, as anyone driving home in the afternoons would attest to after witnessing a silver Yaris with Prime Circle, Evolver and Tchaikovsky (don't ask) blaring out the speakers come roaring past them up Eastern Boulevard. I LOVE MY NEW BABY.

Update 2: Work
Even though I am rushed off my feet I AM BORED S#%$LESS at the moment. ENOUGH SAID.

Update 3: Weight
Well, I did fall off the wagon a little but have jumped right back on and am doubling efforts to get to my goal. Robert, you should start seeing movement in the meter again soon.

Update 4: Dating Prospects
Well, I can now say that I have met the first person (in person) off the site. I wouldn't class it as an official date, but coffee and ice cream and good company at the waterfront was how a lovely Saturday afternoon was spent. He seems to be a really nice guy... you know the kind I would normally dismiss (see previous posts about destructive patterns)... but I am still getting to know him and as yet cannot comment on whether this is going to go anywhere. At the very least, I think I have made a new friend.

That is it for now. Till life becomes more interesting.



I only just noticed now that I completely missed my 1000th hit. Yeah me... site counter now on 1279 so must have been a while ago.


Anonymous said...

Bored senseless?

M said...

kyk try a few less letters... hint: we are aiming at 4 :)

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you blogging again, M!

AngelConradie said...

i'm so glad you're fine- and i'm a tchaikovsky fan myself!
i think you're LANK brave for actually meeting someone from the dating website thingy...

ANNIE said...

I should be in bed but I am reading your blog...
Congrats on the car

I find that the best blog entries are the ones that are about nothing. Despite the fact that my blog makes me look INSANE, if I think of a topic prior to writing it ends up canned or simply bores the pants off anyone brave enough to read it. Enough about that.

As far as the self-destructive post you made... I can relate.
I think I have desired unhealthy relationships in the past b/c I knew I wouldnt have to commit - they were safe and posed zero threat to my emotions.

enough about annie