Monday, June 26, 2006

USELESS organs – a question of faith?

After having suffered my 5th bout of tonsillitis in the last 6 years I decided to do a little research into this little organ that most people live the majority of their lives without.

As it turns out, I DID have mine removed when I was about 5 years old, but it seems they liked me soooo much and where living such happy lives that they decided to grow back… the little bastards. Apparently this is not uncommon and happens in an estimated 1% of people who have had theirs removed. It occurs when a small piece of the ‘organ’ is left behind and it then regenerates (much like broken/cut skin regenerates to heal).

BUT what does it do? And why do I need it?

On my merry search I discovered that this very question is in fact being used as a point of contention in the whole argument of evolution vs. creationism. Evolutionists say that the fact that we have organs that are of little or no use any more is proof that we do in fact evolve. However the Creationists say that these are NOT useless and, no matter how trivial, these organs do serve very important purposes.

Nowadays doctors are much more reluctant to remove these organs, unless something life threatening has occurred (i.e. burst appendix). If you really want to know more a very simple Google search (“vestigial organs”) will give you more than enough to numb anyone’s brains into a temporary comatose state.

This however got me thinking about my beliefs, and the question “Where do we come from?” and no… 42 did not work for me here.

I found that, as strong as my faith is, I also have a very analytical/scientific mind. I have to know why or how things work… faith only takes it so far. I do believe that we have evolved and that the bible is not meant to be taken literally but is rather a guide in our lives. However, science only goes so far. At some point we have to stop and say… okay but where did that come from… where did those first atoms that collided together originate? I am also very uncomfortable with the idea that all we are is a random meeting of molecules. A scientific eventuality of the right conditions to produce life. That implies that there is no meaning, no purpose, no goal, pure luck. And then, what is the point. That is FAR TOO DEPRESSING.

However, on the converse of this argument, I also don’t believe that every single step we take in our lives is pre-ordained or planned. I believe that we have been put here with a very definite purpose in life and the journey is to discover that purpose. In the end WE are in control of our own decisions and lives. How we choose to live it, and the rules that we chose to govern it, is our own decision to make.

May whichever God you pray to be with you on your search for purpose. And for those who choose no God… may you find all your answers too.


Anonymous said...

EVOLUTION - When God was designing man - he planned to have them carry their balls around in their hands. It was only when he realised that he had made too much elbow-skin that a plan evolved...Enjoy your Blog. KD

Katt said...

For starters isn't it nice to know that you are a very unique individual falling into that 1% of people "Whose Tonsils Can Grow Back." By the way, I've still got mine and am prepared to donate them.

To add another depressing thought, I guess we will all find out when we die!

Until then, I guess life is for the living.