Sunday, November 02, 2008

Picture updates

Today I finally got round to downloading a bunch of pics off my camera from the last few months. I really do not take enough of them anymore... I used to take my camera EVERYWHERE with me, but it seems to have dwindled to the odd occasion now.

Anyway, here are some of the fun times we have had lately. A few weeks back we went up to my folks place in the country, and this little part of the world in spring time the wild flowers are spectacular.

The little monkey who doesn't seem to be able to keep a straight face for a photo anymore....

FINALLY summer has arrived in Cape Town.... well I may be a little late in reporting this, but with all the rain we had in Sep and early Oct it really did feel like winter would never end. Of course at the first appearance of that yellow ball in the sky that we had all but forgotten about it was time to head up to the dam.

Last weekend, on the spur of the moment (which is HIGHLY unusual for me as I normally like to have a little bit of order to the chaos that is my life) I decided to take the kids camping. We haven't done this is AGES, but there is a fantastic place about 2 hours drive from home where you can relax and do as little as you want and have decent ablutions facilities. Of course my first born (the water-baby) decided that even though the river was ICE COLD she wanted to spend all her time in it. I decided to brave it and very quickly changed my mind..... SHE IS MAD - IT WAS FREEZING.

Who could pass up waking up to this scene on your "door" step....

And then we get to HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEN...... I have never really been one for celebrating Halloween, it has never really been a big "thing" here is SA... but as we all become more and more globalised this tradition seems to be making it's was into the younger generation. Of course I was coerced into having a little "party" at home by the kids, complete with dress ups, pumpkin carving and late night "scary" movie.

And on that note.... HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

1 comment:

AngelConradie said...

we did some scary movies without really realising it was halloween, and we had a costume oarty the following night for my sweetheart's birthday!