Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Progress Report

How much to divulge??? Knowing you all you will want every juicy saucy detail... but knowing me you'll know that I won't give it :)

Things with Irish are moving much faster than expected. I am thoroughly enjoying his company and the attention, being made to feel special again for the first time in a long time... and playing truant from work for 3 hours yesterday afternoon was lovely... sushi lunch and eachothers company.

(and I know you can all see the 'but' coming)

BUT here is my dilemma...
am I falling for him?
or am I falling for the attention that I am getting for the first time since my divorce?
and if it is the latter is that necessarily a bad thing?

I keep getting this feeling that I should be keeping my options open... BUT I am not someone who can do that... who can have a "relationship" (whatever that is) with someone and not give it all of my attention... BUT like I said, this is the first man after my ex and maybe I should just enjoy it for what it is and not over analyze things as I always do.

So far we haven't made any commitments to eachother (at least not verbal) and I have come to the conclusion that I will just enjoy the moments with him for what they are... those moments and nothing more.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a mill Robert, advise I have just hurled down her throat personally!!! Nice to see my view (as girly) wasn't that far off!

Anonymous said...

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely..." Hmmm. I wonder who said that?

M said...

robert At some point I need to stop reading the menues and actually try something. I have no intentions of settling down again any time soon... right now I am just enjoying things without any expectations of where it might lead.

Lady B - aka anon :) hurled... think you mean force fed - but I love you for caring my friend

kyk I wonder....

AngelConradie said...

oooohhh... tricky one!
i wish i could give you some advice, but i'm all thumbs when it comes to relationships and tend to split when "they" get too clingy...