Tuesday, October 03, 2006

New Discoveries... Meeting the Mother... and taking it as it comes

Meeting the mother.... hmmmmm, yup... I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Irish on Sat eve IN MY PAJAMA's. Now here is a looooooooong story, but the highlights are as follows:

Irish was heading to my place for a movie and ... On the way he stopped to get take aways at Canal Walk... and then his car (BMW diesel) had a problem with the DDsomething (I'm NOT a car person). So being the good Samaritan type, off I head to assist.
Anyway, to cut this even shorter... we got a call from him mom for him to go help with something, so a quick stop at her house on the way to mine and I have the pleasure of chatting to her in my pj's. Now luckily my pj's are the kind that look somewhat like a nice track pants and t-shirt so I could get away with this.

Anyway, Irish has subsequently informed me (with a slightly shocked expression) that she actually likes me... it appears this is quite an achievement. Just call me the mommy-charmer :)
I seem to have a way with mothers, they all seem to think that I am sweet and innocent and trust their sons with me. Little do they know...

As for a progress report however, we have agreed to just take things as they come, no expectations of a particular outcome.

And now on to the new discoveries.... all thanks to Irish :) and in no particular order as they are all FANTASTIC

discovery no. 1:
ThinkGeek.com every geeks one stop shop for everything from lightsabers, t-shirts, plush toys, games, etc etc etc etc. This has already given me hours of browsing fun, and here is the link to my WishList. I have accumulated items to almost $300 and even though I will probably never ever get round to ordering them it is still a list of my favorite finds.... so far

discovery no. 2:
The Quote Database (aka bash.org)... anyone who has ever been on IRC or mIRC will appreciate this one. It is updated daily by fellow irc'ers with their favorite quotes or snippets of conversations had. Again, HOURS and HOURS of fun. As a start I suggest looking at the latest additions, but be warned... once you start you can't stop

discovery no. 3:
A decent ROCK show on the Radio... about bloody time is all I can say. I had the joy of listening to Barney Simon this week, standing in for the regular Mo G, on the breakfast rock show. All this on Radio 2000 (99.1 or 99.5 FM in Cape Town) of all places. WOW. But be warned... apparently it is between 6 and 9 am, however when I tuned in this morning I was woken by gospel. Now, I have nothing against gospel music... but when I am expecting Nickleback or Prime Cirlce or Parlotones it was a rude shock. They do however seem to continue the rock theme for most of the day as I discovered yesterday when driving home.


The Author said...

PJ's? Next time, meet Irish's mom in black fishnet and kitten heels. Let's see how she likes you then...

Katt said...

I go away for a week and suddenly blogland is a very different place! Man, do I ever have catching up to do!

M said...

adumski I'll let you know the outcome of that one :)

katt serves you right for abandoning us :) glad you had a good break. enjoy the catchup reading.

Carlz said...

hi there - if you like online things - try this out http://www.says-it.com/seal/index.php
you can make your own badge for your blog!

may need to come back some time for advice about "mothers" seeing as tho you are on top of that!