Thursday, August 31, 2006

VIP Visitors

After reading Kyk and Katt's volumous re-telling of the same, I fear that I will never do either of them any justice. They got to spend 4 glorious days in each other’s company and allowed me a momentary glimpse for a few hours on Sat.

The interactions started on Friday around lunchtime with taunting messages from Kyk about how they were enjoying the splendid spring day at Kirstenbosch. Unfortunately I did not get to see Kyk talking to the goose, the flowers or the butterfly... I missed the red-neck-teeth and talking to the turd-in-the-toilet... however having these events retold was a sight to see in itself as they were both still in hysterics.

Saturday evening was in a word... SUBLIME... Having met Kyk once before for coffee ("Kyk and coffee" HAHAHAHAH) I kind of knew what I was letting myself in for. When Katt said that she laughed so much that her cheeks hurt, she was in no way exaggerating. Kyk is truly one of the most naturally funny people I have met, it is absolutely effortless (or at least he makes it appear such).

They arrived bearing food and flowers, and after being ushered into the house carefully navigating the over excited kids and pets we settled into an evening of good food, good wine, excellent company and hilarious conversation. My house has what people fondly refer to as an open plan kitchen-dining room (which is a polite way of say crap small kitchen and dinning area shoved into one room) which at least makes it quite easy for people to sit at the table and hold a conversation with the person in the kitchen (in this case... Kyk).

Dinner was superb... all prepared for us by Kyk. Food always seems to taste that much better when someone else cook's it. And the conversation flowed from power tools and oversized drillbits to hunting, toy shopping, loves (of the current/potential and unrequired varieties), life and everything in-between.

After supper I was introduced to a new game... Pass-the-pig (you are now hearing from the self-proclaimed Regional Champ), followed by even more alchol (for Katt and myself) and ended with talk of elephants.

Definitely an evening worth repeating.


kyknoord said...

I'm game for a rematch. Give my regards to Nelson.

AngelConradie said...

it sounds like an absolute jol! and i love "varkies" too (i'm no champ though)!

SwissTwist said...

oops.. the comment under th joke was meant to be here..

seems I'm still asleep....

Mandy J Watson said...

Wow. Sounds like one of those perfect evenings that I only ever see on TV...

Katt said...

Reading your entry has just brought back all the memories. Aaah, that warm gooey feeling.

M, I think we have a bone to pick with Kyk. Next time Mandy J Watson has to be on the list of attendees.

M said...

Kyk Bring it on... and Nelson passes on his 'death-breath greetings

angel It was!

swisstwist A blonde moment... we all have them :)

mandy You really have to be there to believe it.

katt Tell me about it... I wonder who else he is hiding in CT. MANDY, you are officially invited to the next meeting of Cayennetologists :)

Katt said...

M, I just remembered something. Do you remember the look on Kyk's face when I told him I used his toothbrush?

M said...

:) I don't think I have ever seen anyone that shocked and disgusted at the same time. :)

kyknoord said...

Of course I was shocked. Katt has this really funky cross-action rotating electric toothbrush. I can't believe anyone would want to use my ratty old toothbrush in lieu of that marvel of technology :-D