Saturday, July 08, 2006

Someone to hold

I have realised lately that my life is far too predictable and is becoming rather boring. I have also realised that I need to expand my group of friends. Even though I do have a few very close friends and others that are getting there I am stuck in the situation that our lives have moved on to the point that no matter how close we are I have ended up with NO-ONE that I can just call up when I have a free weekend and go out to movies/dinner/drinks etc. They are all either married with families of their own or live 20km's away.

So, here I am on a Sat evening by myself. Kids with their dad for the weekend.

Most people would jump at the opportunity to have some 'quiet time' by themselves and just veg, but there is only so much veging I can do. I know I know I am the only one who can change this, and no one is forcing me to stay in. I can take my camera and go for a drive, or go to movies by myself, or go for a walk on the beach. There are 101 things that a person can do by themselves quite happily. BUT I AM CRAVING COMPANY.

I am at the point that I can say with 100% certainty that I am over 'him' and ready to move on, not that I am looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with, I am just looking for someone to share today with, someone to talk to, adult conversation, adult company. I crave companionship.

The thing I miss most about being in a relationship is the physical closeness. Having someone to hold, to hug, to cuddle, to kiss. I am a very physical person and the lack of it is literally driving me crazy.


Katt said...

Oh M, that feeling is familiar... you are right, only you can change it but it's a rough road. I'm thinking of you!

AngelConradie said...

i miss the physical closeness occasionally too... but what totally scares me is that i actually got used to going without it! i miss it less and less as time goes by!

M said...

I really don't want to get used to going without it :|