Monday, July 31, 2006

The Good Weekend

Well… good news point no. 1. This morning when I woke up and stared at the bathroom scale there were 2 things going through my mind… please don’t let it have gone up… and please don’t let it have stayed the same either. Not that I feel accountable to anyone other than myself on this issue, but I know now much effort I put in last week (and although I could definitely have been better, compared to my previous eating habits I was an angel). So very tentatively I got on the scale, looked down, got off and let out an almighty WOOP. DOWN 2 kg’s… YEAH. It is so incredibly motivating to actually see the results of your efforts, and this was just the best start to a week. Now to keep up the good work.

Good news point no. 2. No, I haven’t yet bought myself a scanner, however I have temporarily re-housed my brother’s one. This then made for endless amusement this weekend. I have been delving into my various boxes of photos and am slowly (very slowly… it is a VERY SLOW SCANNER) getting them digitized. I then also got myself a Flickr account (see funky little java thingy on the right hand side of page) and have been loading my pictures. However, in 2 short days I have reached my monthly bandwidth limit… luckily the month is over today, so from tomorrow I should be able to start uploading again. This will also give me time to scan the second pile in. At this rate I will be at it till Christmas, but I am having lots of fun in the process.

Good news point no. 3. For a few months now I have been um’ing and ah’ing over trading in my 8 year old Hyundai. The question has been, what am I going to get… should I go new or second hand, should I stay with comfy little 4 door sedan or upgrade to the likes of a Scenic. I am very happy with my little Accent and was ecstatic to hear this recently that they are coming back to SA. This morning my little jalopy is going in for a full valet and on the weekend I am taking the new Accent for a test drive and getting a valuation on my existing one for a trade in. If all goes well, I will be driving around in a brand spanking new car within the next few weeks… my first NEW car... no more second hands for me :)

And the best for last… Good news point no. 4. LIVE are coming back to SA for the third time in a series of concerts on their ‘Songs from Black Mountain’ tour. I was OVER THE MOON when I saw the ad on TV this weekend and immediately got on to computicket to find out the details. The tickets have not yet gone on sale, but as soon as they do you can bet I’ll be first in line.


Katt said...

Well done on the 2kgs. That is fantastic! Your photo problems, scanner, bandwidth, the whole shebang are identical to mine. You don't suffer alone. :-)

M said...

katt technology and gadgets... who knows
robert Thanks. I was previously on weigh-less (which I would recomend to everyone) it teaches you good eating habits as opposed to only one food group. It worked. Problem is a migrated back to bad habits. Now I am trying to follow those principles without paying the enourmous sum of money they ask to join and monthly fees for a weekly 'ra-ra' session

Ginco said...

Wow! 2kg down the drain, that's
brilliant, keep up the good
work (glad you weren't tempted
by all the choccie talks) LOL!

M said...

robert Thanks... will be combining that with current efforts.
ginco Tempted...Oh I was, but am still in control (most of the time) :)

kyknoord said...

I think I may have found your 2 kg. Let me know if you want them back.

M said...

shortypam Welcome to the madhouse...
kyk I will be sending more out there soon (I hope)

AngelConradie said...

love the flickr pics- i must load you as a contact!
yeehah... i also wanna see live!